
The SBA’s Certificate of Competency (COC) program allows a small business to appeal a contracting officer’s perseverance that it’s unable to match the requirements of a particular Government contract on which it’s the obvious low bidder. When the tiny business applies for a COC SBA specialists perform a detailed review of the firm’s features to perform on the contract. If the business demonstrates the capability to perform, the SBA issues a COC to the contracting official requiring the prize of that specific agreement to the tiny business.

The COC program helps to ensure that the tiny business, those which are newly entering into the Federal procurement market especially, are given a fair opportunity to contend for and receive Government contracts. Note here that the COC concentrate is on the firm’s ability to perform. The contracting officer might be concerned about the firm’s technical expertise, its financial capability, or its capacity.

Whatever the duty related concern might be, the small business has the right to appeal a contracting officer’s perseverance. A recent bet protest decision illustrates the difference between being responsible rather than complying with the requirements of the solicitation. Sea Box, a small business, protested the prize of a agreement to a rival under a RFP (Request for Proposal) issued by GSA (General Services Administration) for relocatable simulator shelters (RSS) for the Air Force.

GSA considered Sea Box’s proposal to be unacceptable. Sea Box argued that GSA was required to refer its unacceptable proposal to the SBA (Small Business Administration) because the foundation for removing Sea Box’s bid from competition was related to responsibility. The solicitation included two pass/fail criteria. One particular criterion given that GSA would reject any proposal that didn’t include a declaration confirming that the RSS solution have been rated to operate at a top secret classification level in accordance with characteristics given in the solicitation.

After looking at Sea Box’s proposal, the contracting officer determined it failed to fulfill the move/fail requirement because Sea Box did not post a declaration that confirmed its solution had been rated to operate at a secret classification level. As a total result, GSA didn’t give further account to Sea Box’s proposal.

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Sea Box protested arguing that GSA eliminated its proposal from factor predicated on a responsibility-related criteria, in a way that its undesirable proposal must have been referred to the SBA. GSA argued that its rejection of Sea Box’s proposal was not based on Sea Box’s responsibility, but was instead predicated on whether Sea Box’s product met the requirements of the solicitation. The Comptroller General (CG) decided with GSA finding that Sea Box did indeed neglect to supply the required certification. As for Sea Box’s contention that GSA was required to refer the proposal to SBA, the CG disagreed. You can read the entire GAO decision here.

In fact, a few of the largest acquisitions have been the biggest disappointments over recent years. 11.50. The AOL Time Warner merger was financed with AOL stock, and when the expected synergies didn’t materialize, market capitalization and shareholder value both tanked. That which was not foreseen was the devaluation of the AOL shares used to finance the purchase. The fifth wave in addition has become known as the wave of the “roll-up”. A roll-up is a process that consolidates a fragmented industry through a series of acquisitions by comparatively large companies (typically already within that industry) called consolidators.

While the most more popular of the roll-ups happened in the funeral industry, office products suppliers, and floral products, there have been roll-ups of significant magnitude in other sectors such as discrete segments of the aerospace & protection community. Finally, the fifth influx of acquisitions and mergers was the first one in which a very large percentage of the full total global activity happened outside of the United States. 14.2 billion. By the year 2000, the tide was shifting.